Certificate City

Easy TLS Certificate Monitoring

Try entering a hostname and port to fetch a certificate

Coming soon!

🕖  Flexible scheduling
Run regular TLS certificate checks on a schedule of your choice. Daily, hourly, minutely, anything goes.
🎛️  Advanced controls
Configure requests with custom ports and SNI dialog negotiation with our bespoke TLS probes.
⚙️  Standard integrations
Hook up your existing monitoring infrastructure or view results via the Certificate City dashboard.
🚨  Comprehensive alerting
Fire alerts when a single probe fails, over 50%, or all of them. Receive notifications via email, webhook, or carrier pigeon.
💳  Simple pricing
Pay only for what you use with billing based on the number of requests made. Buy credits upfront or pay via monthly invoice.
📃  Full response reporting
Download the full packet capture from each worker. This is a stretch goal, only implemented given sufficient interest.
This is a new project so most features are still Coming Soon. Please express your interest via email to info @ certificate.city so we can focus our attention where it is needed the most. Something not quite right? We're happy to discuss your needs.